get things started
Once you get in contact with us, this is what you can expect will happen:
We have an initial chat with you over the phone to ascertain your requirements.
We will send you our Privacy Consent Form which will enable us to perform a credit check along with a Credit Guide and Quote.
Where possible, we streamline the process by using Electronic Signatures which means you can easily and simply sign on your smartphone, no matter where you are.
Our details are recorded on your credit file as a "file access note" - not a "credit enquiry" which is unlikely to have an affect on your credit score. *
There is no cost whatsoever to you if the loan does not proceed.
We aim to deliver fast answers which can be as quick as a few hours after we have received signed privacy forms and proof of income. This is dependent on the complexity of your application and lenders time frames.
gather information
Once we have performed the credit check and we believe we can help you, we will proceed with a full application (usually over the phone). Depending on the complexity of your financial information this process takes approximately 10-20 minutes which can be done at a time that is convenient to you.
Then we get to work by matching your criteria to that of our Lenders to get the best deal for you. Factors such as age of vehicle, length of employment, credit enquiries/history, income and expenses, etc. can impact on which Lender will deliver the best approval.
,We then send you a Credit Proposal outlining the particulars of your proposed loan. If you are happy to proceed, based on the information provided, we will submit your loan to the Lender.
We are extremely mindful of credit enquiries on our customers file and by doing this preliminary work, along with our extensive experience with different Lenders, we aim to deliver the best approval the first time, rather than shopping your information around.
When the approval is in place and we confirm with you that the particulars such as interest rate, term of loan and repayments, etc. are suitable to your requirements we will proceed with preparing loan documentation.
Our mobile service means we come to you to get documents signed at a time and place that is convenient. Meeting with you in person means there is no need for external identification checks or witnessing the documentation which speeds up the process. This service is available in the South East Queensland and Northern New South Wales region, for customers outside this area we have a remote sign up process.
The documents are submitted to the Lender and we oversee the settlement process so you can pick up your purchase at the earliest possibility.
* Disclaimer - this information was obtained from the following website
Street Wise Finance does not assert this information to be true and accurate and all website users should not rely on this information but rather conduct their own independent research.